How to treat cervical osteonecrosis: its symptoms, home exercises

Cervical fibroids are a pathology of the musculoskeletal system, characterized by destructive changes in the discs and vertebrae of the cervical spine. This disease occurs quite often, because the cervical vertebrae in the course of human activities often encounter severe and almost continuous stress. Every person who is concerned about his health should know what fibroids are, its symptoms, home treatment is completely possible, if a specialist considers it acceptable. But in some cases, inpatient treatment is required.

Symptoms of cervical osteonecrosis

Osteochondrosis develops gradually, regardless of which cervical vertebra is affected. Each stage of the disease will have its own symptoms and signs.

Cervical fibroids are a great danger to the body because some patients at first do not consider the discomfort experienced with serious symptoms but go to the doctor. The fact that trauma to the spine leads to dysfunction of the central nervous system, causing symptoms and signs that are not similar to those of normal musculoskeletal injuries, such as unstable blood pressure. Often the symptoms themselves are quite vague.

The main symptoms of cervical osteonecrosis that need a lot of attention are:

  • Dizziness is of a general and non-systemic nature. It arises due to strong pathological compression of cerebral blood vessels, strong compression of nerve roots by the vertebrae, and reflexes to increase intracranial pressure.
  • Pain in the cervical spine, sometimes radiating to the shoulders, shoulder blades, and various parts of the upper extremities. Pain and discomfort often occur after sleep. Often, the pain is accompanied by the characteristic sound of an injured disc - a crunching sound when trying to move the neck. Strongly pinched nerves lead to muscle relaxation in different parts of the body, muscle weakness can appear for no reason, such as in the legs. Sometimes the sensitivity in the cervical area decreases sharply.
  • Blood pressure spikes and drops are closely related to the impact of the central nervous system on the function of blood supply to the body. The pressure increases sharply with prolonged uncomfortable body posture, tension, head and neck rotation.

If the above symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Treatment of cervical osteonecrosis

Therapy will be indicated depending on the stage of disease development, the stage of exacerbation or remission, the intensity of the manifestations of symptoms and signs.

Treatment of warts at home is not quick, but the treatment time is quite long. To restore the musculoskeletal system, the body will need a lot of time, effort and use many complex therapeutic methods.

Medicines for treatment

The complexity of the drugs, the dosage and the duration of the course are strictly selected by the doctor depending on many factors: the stage of disease development, the age of the patient, the individual's tolerance to the drug. drug ingredients, etc. v. The following drugs are used:

  1. Pain relievers, pills and injections. They help to eliminate pain syndrome and relieve a person's discomfort caused by destructive changes.
  2. Hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are needed to eliminate the body's aggressive response to bone destruction and pathological effects on muscles.
  3. Chondoprotectors - medicinal preparations containing active substances that are able to restore bone tissue, regenerate and increase its strength;
  4. Muscle relaxants are pharmacological agents that weaken the intensity of painful muscle tension in the injured spine.
  5. Multivitamin preparations containing a complex of minerals and trace elements are able to normalize metabolism and fill nutritional deficiencies with useful substances.
  6. In addition to pills and injections, various ointments and gels can also be used to act locally on the affected area.
  7. Oral drugs are good support in complex therapy. They can be warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, chondoprotective, or complex (contains several types of active ingredients).


In the treatment of osteosarcoma, special exercises are useful, including exercises aimed at strengthening the body's natural strength, initiating accelerated regeneration and restoring muscle functions. lost bones of the spine. In some cases, the usual set of exercises is supplemented by various sports such as swimming or yoga. The decision about additional loading for cervical osteochondrosis is made solely by the physician. During physical therapy exercises, do not bend or tilt your head sharply, you need to try to avoid twisting movements. Exercises and sports are selected by a specialist depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and each specific clinical case.


It is imperative that when treating osteonecrosis, the patient must follow a special diet. During illness, the body needs a balanced diet that contains the nutrients it needs to recover quickly. You need to try to give up harmful, sweet, fatty, indigestible, salty and spicy foods. The menu should have a large amount of cereals, nuts, dairy products containing calcium, lean meat and fish, fruits and vegetables.

Other complex treatment items

Surgical intervention is only used in the most extreme cases, when the destruction of the spine is so strong that no conservative therapy can restore the damaged bones, nerves and discs. damage.

For any pathology of the musculoskeletal system, a course of massage is used to further affect the muscles. The massage is performed in a prone position, face down, extremely rarely in a sitting position - only in cases where the pathology is at an early stage of development. It is best to trust a specialist, because in the case of musculoskeletal diseases, self-massage can bring a lot of harm and irreparable side effects. The load on the muscles, their intensity, the frequency of knocks and strokes in this case are all strictly limited.

neck corset for osteonecrosis

To reduce the load from the damaged spine, you need to try to give the anatomical shape to the vertebrae and discs. Modern orthopedic products (orthopedic necklaces, pillows and mattresses) help quickly and comfortably return the spine to its desired shape and position without hurting or creating side effects.

As a rule, the method of treatment of cervical osteonecrosis in each clinical case combines a complex use of the above methods.